Monday, October 06, 2008

Bi-annual report

I might delete this blog. I never seem to update. For some reason, I can update like crazy to my LJ, to MySpace, and to Facebook. But not here.

Not long after the last post, I learned that I was pregnant again. Started the blood thinners and everything was going very well. Unfortunately, I started dilating early. The doctor put a stitch into my cervix and kept me in the hospital on bedrest, but I still delivered prematurely at 21 weeks. Ronan DeWayne Ivey was born on September 21 at 12:23 pm and passed away at 12:53. He weighed 14 oz and was 11 inches long.

I ended up with a serious infection and spent another week in the hospital. during that time, I did manage to crochet a little pouch that Greg and I were able to place Ronan in for the cremation. I used the yarn that I had been saving for his blessing ceremony.

Greg and I are doing ok right now. We have planned a memorial service for the first Sunday in November, All Soul's Day. Greg goes back to work tonight. I'm off until the end of the month. I'm going for daily antibiotic infusions for another week.

I took pictures of the little pouch. I might post them later. I wish I would have taken pictures of the little wooden cross and sword Greg carved for him, but I don't think that I did.


Karen said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss I did lose too many. I have 2 very healthy grown sons I thought I would never get. I feel your pain. I hope good things come your way!

Unknown said...

this article is so amazing to read again and again
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